Sunday, March 01, 2009

Cheese Ball

It was Saturday morning when I blurted, "let's go to the beach!!!" which seconded by Jeff.

The last time we went to beach was during Hari Raya last year's October and by the time we reached there it's already dusk and Jeff said he didn't have enough fun.

I promised him that we will go again and it was yesterday that we decided to bring him go.
Actually we wanted to go to Gold Coast beach, but ended up at Port Dickson instead =.='''
Cos Mr. Wong missed the junction.. hahaha but it's okay la... since Jeff and Mr. Wong have not been there yet.. it's a good chance to show them around (cheh talk like I was born there hahaha I had been there once so I still kinda remember which beach to go though)
OK. First thing you HAVE to do when you're at the beach is to TAKE cool photos.. hahahaa here we are posting as F3.

Secondly, u have to grab a kite and fly it high up above. As high as the wind can blow~~~ My first time flying a kite.. tee hee.. feel really proud when the kite u're flying is soaring in the sky like an eagle.. but when the wind changed its direction, your kite loses its direction like it had ecstasy earlier on.

Mr. Wong's turn with the kite.

Jeff's turn next.

Happy, content Jeff.

Thirdly, accidentally dropped some cheese balls on the sand as a result of pulling the packaging too hard.

and bury them to cover the evidence of littering..

Jeff playing with the sand like little kid

obligatory beach shot

Mr. Sun who is going to exchange shift with Ms. Moon..


I bought a skin for my psp~~

I always wanted an abstract skin for my psp.. now i found it.. so happy~~


Marge said... missed one important shot. all 3 jump up high in bikini and swim trunks. and also the shot of feet in the water. haha...never been to port dickson but I believe it'll be much more fun especially with AJ around...hehe

Alice said...

hahaa ya ho~~ but leh ah chai sure dun wanna do all those high jump shot.. come back laaaa so that we can bring aj go to port dickson hehehehe

Anonymous said...


Alice said...

ubek: what is cool? ma psp ke me? hahaha