Friday, October 26, 2007


yays~ today marked one of the happiest days in my life!


Cause under certain circumstances, my dad brought us a web cam!! Yays!!!

Daddy is the best!

Ta dah~ Penguini says HELLO to all of u with his red eyes~~ ^^

I named our web cam, Penguini. Reason being is that I like Linguini from Ratatouille. I particularly like his name. I thought his name is sweet, special and nice to hear. So I kinda named my web cam after him. Muahaha

Soon daddy will buy us dvd burners too. Yays more nice songs to listen.

Ahh... pampered ears~~ muahahaa

Okay.. so how does this Penguini came about eh?

It was last night when Chrissy and Choy (another friend I met in Nostale) made a deal to see each other through the web cams that I got trigered. I cant just miss the fun when they are having fun in front of me right right right? So I told daddy that I want a web cam too~ plus web cams are cheap nowadays. Daddy said ok. So before me daddy changes his mind I better take actions fast. So I went to town and bought Penguiniback home with me.

This is so much fun. Now I can see Chrisy and Chrisy can see me too~ and we cant wait to see Choy! :P


Chris said...
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Chris said...

Hey it's Penguini ^^ my new friend mwahaha, hai hai, I met him first. And let meh tell you does Alice smile so much on camera :P especially since I'm the one making her smile mwahaha. Long live Penguini!!!

Alice said...

LOL now u are making me laugh~~ and I know u are gonna ask me that right now cos u can see me! :P

Anonymous said...

pingu pingu1!

Alice said...

*rubs eyes and reads again*

thought you said "pigu pigu" (backside backside)


JiNG said...

let me see you~!!!

drumsticks said...

Hi Alice!!

This penguin web cam is so cute. :) Makes me wanna get one too!

Alice said...

Jing: GImme money first! Muahahaa $_$

Drumsticks: Wahahaahhahaa Cute leh... come la Sarikei still got one.. Come to sarikei I bring u go buy~ :P